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What is the difference between a CoC and a VAT-ID?

A CoC-number is a number you request at the Chamber of Commerce and the VAT-ID is a number you request with the Tax Authorities.

Temper | Work to Live avatar
Written by Temper | Work to Live
Updated this week

Are you expecting to become a frequent FreeFlexer? This could entail that you will need to register with the Chamber of Commerce. When doing so, you will receive a CoC-number. This registration comes with a € 82,25 registration cost. After you have registered, you will also receive a VAT-number and VAT-ID. Read what it means to be an entrepreneur if you are a student.

It’s also possible to receive a VAT-ID when you’re not obligated to register with the Chamber of Commerce. Through the use of the OSO forms, you can register for a VAT-ID free of any costs. Once the Tax Authorities have approved your forms you will receive a VAT-ID by letter. Whether you will need a CoC registration depends on the frequency of your work. The exact definition can only be given by the Tax Authorities. You can find more on this on the following website:

Belastingdienst: Ondernemer voor de omzetbelasting Kamer van Koophandel: Wanneer heb ik een onderneming?

Try Temper once
You can try our platform once without needing your VAT-ID. After this first shift you will need to apply for a VAT-ID or a VAT-ID and a CoC-number to continue working.
This is how you request a VAT-ID or CoC-number.

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