A FreeFlexer can work a maximum of 660 hours for you per year through our platform.
What does this rule around hours entail?
Through our platform, a FreeFlexer can work a maximum of 660 hours per year with the same client. As soon as they reach the 660 hours, they will receive a notification through the platform that the limit has been reached and that for this reason they will no longer be able to work for the client in question this year.
Why is this rule in place?
This limit of yearly hours has been established in consultation with the Tax and Customs Administration. In this way independent entrepreneurship is stimulated and FreeFlexers are encouraged to get at least three different clients per year. All agreements concluded through the platform are based on the Model Agreement that Temper has established with the Dutch Tax Office.
Can an exception be made?
It is not possible to make exceptions to this regulation for an individual FreeFlexer.