Create a Profile

Create a profile to get started.

Olivier | Temper avatar
Written by Olivier | Temper
Updated over a week ago

To get started with Temper you need a profile. Do you already have it? Please log in

Create a FreeFlexer profile

  1. Select the ‘Register via Facebook’ button to use your Facebook account, or use email to create a profile.

  2. To work via Temper you have to go through all the steps. You just want to look around? Skip the steps and pick them up whenever you want to continue your registration.

Create a client profile

  1. Fill in your company name or Chamber of Commerce (CoC) number.

  2. Press ‘Search company’.

  3. Select the right company from the list of results.

  4. Fill in the necessary details.

  5. Press Register.

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