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Why can I work only 660 hours a year for a client?
Why can I work only 660 hours a year for a client?

This rule has been called into life in agreement with the Tax Authorities (Belastingdienst).

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French translation of this article will appear here in the future

What does this mean?
Through our platform, you can work a maximum of 660 hours per year at the same client. Once you’ve reached the 660 hours, you’ll receive a notification through the platform that you won’t be able to work for the same client again, this year.

Why is there a maximum?
This criterion has been called into existence in agreement with the Belastingdienst (Tax Authorities) to stimulate the independent entrepreneurship since you will get to work with at least 3 different clients each year. Something that characterises you as a FreeFlexer. All agreements that are made through the platform are based on the standard contract that we agreed on with the Belastingdienst.

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