How can I accept a checkout?

Click on 'checkouts' in the top left on the header. Accept the checkout or make a counterproposal.

Natalia | Temper avatar
Written by Natalia | Temper
Updated over a week ago

After the FreeFlexer has worked for you, you will receive an email notifying you that they have checked out. You will also see in your job overview that there is a checkout open that needs to be reviewed. In the top left you will see 'Checkouts'. Click here for an overview of all your open checkouts.

You have 3 options now. If the times and break times proposed by the FreeFlexer are correct, click the green 'Accept checkout' button. Did the FreeFlexer make a mistake? Then you can make him a 'Counter-proposal' with the correct times. The FreeFlexer then only has to accept your proposal, after which the shift is completed. The third option is when a FreeFlexer has made a checkout but has not worked. Then choose 'Report no-show'.

Accept checkout

After you click 'Accept checkout', you can rate the FreeFlexer on their performance and indicate whether they were on time or not. If you give a FreeFlexer a rating lower than 5 stars, we recommend you provide the FreeFlexer with some additional feedback. You can also indicate if you want to send the FreeFlexer an invitation to your flexpool. If you never want to work with the FreeFlexer again, you can indicate this under 'Sign up in the future'.

Click on the green 'Accept checkout' button to complete the checkout.

Make a counter-proposal

Is the FreeFlexer's proposal not correct? Then you can give them a counterproposal. Enter the times that you believe to be correct.

Again, you'll have the option to provide the FreeFlexer with a rating and send them an invitation to your flexpool. You can then 'Save and submit your proposal to FreeFlexer'. Once the FreeFlexer has accepted the proposal, the checkout is complete. They may also make a counter-proposal, after which you can review it again.

Once you have completed the checkout, you can archive the shift. You can read how to do this in our FAQ.

Note: Open checkouts are automatically approved by Temper after 7 days, as the payment process can only be started once the client has accepted the checkout.

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