Why is my VAT-ID not valid?

Having trouble with the verification of your VAT-ID? Learn what could be the reason.

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Written by Temper
Updated over a week ago

Have you entered your VAT Identification Number (VAT-ID) in your Temper profile, but are you still getting a message that you have to enter your VAT-ID? Or do you see that the system is not registering the number? Please check whether you have entered the number correctly. Are you sure that the number you entered is correct, check its validity next.

You can use the European Commission’s website to check the validity of your VAT-ID.

Invalid number:

  • If you are registered with the Chamber of Commerce, you may have accidentally entered your sales tax number instead of your VAT-ID. Both numbers can be found in My Tax and Customs Administration Business. (This website is currently available only in Dutch. Our tip: use Google Translate plug-in to translate the whole site.)

  • Have you been using the same number for a while? Perhaps you are still using your VAT number. Since 1 January 2020, this number is called the sales tax number. This change was made by the Tax Authorities (Belastingdienst) because your sales tax number contained your BSN. With the new VAT-ID your privacy is better protected! A while ago, you should have gotten your VAT-ID from the Tax Authorities. If you want to know more about the difference between the old VAT number and a VAT-ID, take a look here.

Valid number:

  • Check if the invoice address in your Temper profile matches the registration of your VAT-ID. The company name entered in your Temper profile should also match the company name under which the VAT-ID is registered. Tip: pay attention to capital letters.

  • Is the number valid and does the billing address & company name match? If so, filling it out again in your Temper profile might trigger the system to verify your VAT-ID.


If, after checking your VAT-ID number, you have questions about the validity of your number, contact the Chamber of Commerce or call the Tax Authorities on 0800-0543 (free of charge).

Do you have a valid number and the system still does not verify it despite the checks you’ve just made, please contact the Support team via the live chat.

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